A Renowned Indian Spice and Seasoning Provider Partners with Accely for EXIM Solutions


A popular seasoning and flavor solutions provider approached Accely for Accelerated EXIM Solution.

The company is one of the most popular spice producers in the country.  They evolved from being whole-spice traders to one of India’s largest seasoning & flavor solution providers. Starting out as one of India’s largest whole-spice traders, they have now ventured into multiple industry verticals such as bakery, confectionery, beverages, dairy, and convenience foods.

The organization felt the need to introduce Accelerated EXIM solutions to effectively handle their export-import data on a single platform. With the EXIM solution, the export-import compliance and documentation process can be streamlined. Visibility will be enhanced and business operations can be simplified. The EXIM solutions allow customers to request pre-shipment and post-shipment reports that are necessary for customs clearance which is made possible by the details available in your ERP.

Accely is an EXIM solutions company catering to different companies to simplify their export-import processes.

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